Bond Hearings
Bond hearings for new arrests are generally held the following business day after arrest. Please contact the court for time as it does vary.
Court Schedule
Criminal Docket: 9:00 a.m
Infraction Docket: 10:00 a.m.
Civil/Small Claims/Anti-Harassment: 10:30 a.m.
Due to Covid-19, the court allows for telephonic/video appearance for infractions, for all other hearings please email the court to request video appearance (if applicable). Court is also open to the public, to join court hearings via phone or video please use the below link.
Garfield County is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Meeting ID: 851 4524 9508
Passcode: 99347
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Meeting ID: 851 4524 9508
Passcode: 99347
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Meeting ID: 851 4524 9508
Passcode: 99347
Courtroom Conduct
No Food &/or Beverages
Food and/or beverages are not permitted.
Cell Phones, Beepers, or Pets
Electronic devices must be muted or turned off. No unauthorized photography, videography or audio recordings are allowed. Devices used in violation of this policy will be confiscated. Certified Guide/Assistance/Service animals are the only animals allowed in the courtroom.
No Weapons or Backpacks
Guns, knives, or other weapons are not permitted into the courthouse. Backpacks and/or large bags are not permitted. You may be searched before entering the courtroom and courthouse.
No Children
Please do not bring children to court. You may be asked to leave the courtroom if attempting to be seated with children. If you have no choice but to bring a child / children, then bring another adult to watch the child while you are in the courtroom. There are no childcare facilities within the courthouse. The proceedings are audio-taped, and any extraneous noise can disrupt the recording.
Dress Code
All litigants and attorneys appearing in District Court whether in person or via video are expected to dress in a manner that shows respect for the Court. Accordingly, the following are not allowed:
Revealing tops
Tank tops
Be Respectful
You must be quiet in the courtroom when observing. Never use profanity. Always be polite when speaking. Speak clearly and loudly enough for the recording to pick up what you are saying. All persons shall refrain from any gestures and from conduct or behavior which manifest disrespect for the court, counsel, litigants, witnesses, court staff, law enforcement personnel, or other persons.
*** Those appearing remotely via video, you are still attending court and the above rules of conduct apply***