Voluntary Stewardship Program

View of the Mountains

Next Meeting


Thursday October 5th, 2023 at 7:00 AM.

This meeting will be an in-person meeting at the Pomeroy Grain Grower's Building.





The Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP)

The Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) is an optional, incentive-based approach to protecting critical areas while promoting agriculture.

The VSP is allowed under the Growth Management Act as an alternative to traditional approaches to critical areas protection, such as "no touch" buffers. Twenty eight counties have "opted in" to the VSP by nominating one or more watersheds in their county where the program would apply. Garfield County has received funding to develop a VSP work plan.

VSP Program Goals

  • Promote plans to protect and enhance critical areas where agricultural activities are conducted, while maintaining and improving the long term viability of agriculture in the state of Washington and reducing the conversion of farmland to other uses.
  • Leverage existing resources by relying upon existing work and plans in counties and local watersheds, as well as existing state and federal programs to the maximum extent practicable to achieve program goals.
  • Encourage and foster a spirit of cooperation and partnership among county, tribal, environmental, and agricultural interests to better assure program success.
  • Improve compliance with other laws designed to protect water quality and fish habitat.
  • Rely upon voluntary stewardship practices as the primary method of protecting critical areas and not require the cessation of agricultural activities. (RCW 36.70A.700)